Thursday, April 15, 2010

HEllo world!!

MY Husband has finally returned!!! It was eight long months but we did it. It seems as if it went by fast and slow at the same time, not to say that im not happy about it being over I am extremely happy to be a whole again. It a little like being newlyweds again... the wanting to cook for him make lunches be at his beck and call not so much but I do love having him here. Its the friendship, the love and understanding and the fun.. oh do we have fun! Im not sure I laugh quite as hard as I do when were together.
The dogs of course are so happy to have their dad back diesel does not leave his side he follows him where ever Brad goes.
We went and spent the night at the Anniversary INN it was so fun and beautiful totally worth it. WE needed a break from life!
WE both had this past week off and boy has it flown by.... usually you love for the weekends to come eh not so much.
back to work we both go monday :) Back to normal life:)
So I am going to try to get together a food storage and our 72 hr kits ready to go... it will take awhile, it will probably give me many anxiety attacks but it needs to be done and it will!
Another note I Have been called to be a primary teacher, I have never been in the primary before but I think it will be a good expierence( maybe it will calm down my baby hungry needs ) Im excited although me and Brad have not been able to go to sunday school together in eight months so i was looking forward to that, but this will be a good thing for the both of us.

1 comment:

The Zinn family said...

I am so glad that he is home. I don't know how you did it, you are so strong. My husband has only been gone 3 months and I am dying!!!!!!! I look up to you girl, and I am so glad that it is over for you both. Please send pics my way anytime you can. Love you both!!!!