Monday, October 19, 2009

Basic training graduation!!

So an update for anyone who doesnt know that my love of my life joined the air force reserves he left in august and has been in texas for two months for basic training....

Im so very proud of him, although this hasnt been the easiest thing i have been through we both know this is the right thing to do for our family. So in October 9th brad graduated from Basic and officailly became a AIRMAN! I got to go down to texas to celebrate with him it was and amazing experience! We got to spend thursday to sunday together it was the best couple days! He grown so much im so lucky to have him as my husband! Sadly on sunday he had to get on a bus for a 13 hour ride to mississippi! He started school today and said it was good even though i miss him more than anything i have been doing ok trying to keep busy.. he will be coming home for christmas and then he will be back in may sheesh thats a long time but we will make it this has only made our relationship stronger!


mrs. jar said...

Tori!!! I was sooo excited to see your message!! I have thought about you so much and wanted to get ahold of you! Thank you for leaving me your number! I will for sure call you! How are you doing with your man being gone?! We need to get together and chat for sure! You are in my prayers...that has to be so hard being so far away from him, but you are right, it is going to be awesome for you guys! Are you still in nursing school?! K, I will call you soon. Love ya!

P.S. I haven't had my hair trimmed since June and it is nasty! Just no one does as good of job as you! :(

Tori & Brad said...

im so excited for you guys! brad being gone is super hard but it will be good in the long... long run ha i just have to keep repeating that to myself :) i havent been in school this semester b/c i wanted to go to texas to see him graduate hopefully in january i will start! hope to hear from you soon i know your a busy mommy now!
p.s. i could totally do your hair at your house or mine if you ever wanted to talk to you soon!

mrs. jar said...

Tori, I just saw this message! I love hearing from you! I am so glad you were able to go down to Texas and see him graduate. It will be your turn soon enough. I would love to get together and have you do my hair. I need some sort of change. I am in a mommy frump! Gracie is so much funa nd I can't wait for you to meet her. I have not been feeling real great this week, fighting off flu symptoms, but I will call you next week. I would love to come see your house or have you over to mine, or both! :) I have missed seeing you. is my email, and 645-1011 is my cell #. Talk to you soon!

The Zinn family said...

Wow, for some reason, this just popped up on my page. It says you posted it in October, weird. Anywho, I hope all is well. Anthony leaves in January for 4 months. He will go to Guam and not get back till May, so I will soon be missing my hubby too. If you ever want to break away from Utah, you can come to Alaska :O) Miss you guys!