Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Love DAy!

Happy Valentines Day Love buGs!!!

We had an awesome valentines partly because this is my first unscheduled saturday off ya hooo loving the new schedule!! We woke up and went to breakfast with our dad vick!! Then we came home and were lazy ALL day it was great! We watched some movies and played some video games which my new fav video game is big planet little people it is soo cute!! i was addicted to it all day and night yesterday...... I hope everyone had a great day!!! oh ps our house is closing tuesday!!!


The Zinn family said...

I am so glad you had a good valentines!! I wish I could have gone to breakfast with you guys
:O( I am so happy about the house, take more pictures!!!

Life and times of Cathy and her Crew said...

Wish I could have went to breakfast too!! Send me your new address, gonna send some goodies your way.

mrs. jar said...

Tori! I just was looking back at my blog comments and found one on there from you! Yeah! I am happy that we will at least get to keep in touch this way.

Your pictures are so dang cute! I am very excited for more of your house. It is super cute!

I hope you are enjoying life and get to spend a little bit more time at home and with your hubby. If you decide to do hair there, let me know! ;)

Talk to ya later.